Food Narrative

Food narrative

The food narrative was something I was very interested in because it gave me an opportunity to express my background. Being that this was one of our first assignments to do, I was really looking forward to expressing the food brought by my culture. Also, I was able to share a personal relationship I had with my grandmother, so this narrative is something tied to my emotions and background. I feel that I was successfully able to share a personal story of mine and implement it into my essay. Not a lot of writing assignments allow me to express my background, it is usually anything but that. I felt that this was a great opportunity to channel my inner culture and place it into an essay. This could have been an exceptional paper had I used more figurative language or different types of writing strategies, but I definitely give myself credit for the story line when writing this essay. My purpose to the reader is for them to be able to walk down memory lane with me, and maybe understand me or if not my culture better.